We count on health workers every day, whether it’s to administer vaccines to our children, guide our families to more healthful habits, or provide us with lifesaving surgeries. That’s why health workers need the best, most up-to-date training … Read More
We made this happen in 2014:

176 organizations focusing on gender equality
IntraHealth is committed to promoting gender equality in health sectors around the world, and we make it an integral part of our work. Gender-based disparities and inequalities can undermine the quality of health care for clients and endanger the … Read More

233,605 deliveries attended by skilled health workers
In a childbirth emergency, health workers have the power to save women's and babies' lives. That’s why at IntraHealth we do everything we can to make sure health workers in communities everywhere are on the job and prepared for those … Read More

41,018 new users of modern contraceptives
Far too many mothers and young children still die from preventable causes throughout West Africa. But family planning is a fantastic launching pad for improving the health of mothers and babies. Not only does it drastically reduce the number of … Read More

1,095,217 people tested for HIV
The next 15 years are going to make global health history. They may mark the end of the most damaging epidemic in our lifetimes, during which countries around the world have rallied together to face a unifying threat. HIV has killed over 39 … Read More

5,000 aspiring health workers granted affordable education loans in Kenya
Kenya’s health professional students often struggle to pay their annual tuition fees—usually about 70,000 Kenyan Shillings, or $767, for public middle-level colleges. Many students simply drop out before earning their diplomas and never enter the … Read More

154,104 men and boys voluntarily circumcised in Tanzania to reduce their HIV risk
Voluntary medical male circumcision is a simple procedure—it takes just 15 minutes or so—but it reduces men’s risk of contracting HIV through heterosexual intercourse by up to 60%. In rural Tanzania, IntraHealth works with local health workers to … Read More

900,000 people in Jharkhand, India, gained expanded access to high-quality health services
In 2010, IntraHealth partnered with the government of India to strengthen health workforce data in the states of Bihar and Jharkhand, piloting a modified version of our iHRIS software in one district in each state. The pilots were so successful … Read More

$205 million saved by 19 countries that use IntraHealth’s free iHRIS software
Since 2007, IntraHealth’s free, open source iHRIS software has helped countries around the world track and manage their health workforce data. iHRIS—pronounced “iris”—helps health sectors replace scattershot, paper-based filing systems with … Read More

30 sub-Saharan African training institutions applying innovative approaches for students
Garden City University College in Kumasi, Ghana, is serious about educating and adding health workers to the country’s health workforce. Ghana has fewer than half the minimum number of doctors, nurses, and midwives recommended by the World Health … Read More

967 student health workers granted financial aid to graduate and enter Nigeria’s workforce
Nigeria needs more health workers, but students often can’t afford the tuition it takes to become one. At IntraHealth, we’ve found that lifting the financial burden reduces students’ stress and allows them to concentrate on their studies. That … Read More

$9.1 million reallocated from ghost workers to health services in the Dominican Republic
When the Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Health began reforming its payroll, the IntraHealth-led CapacityPlus project was there to help. The process revealed nearly 10,000 ghost workers—individuals who receive salaries but don’t work—whose salaries … Read More
Where We Work

Where we worked in 2014 | Where we have worked in the past |
98% of IntraHealth’s non-US staff members are local to the countries in which they work.

IntraHealth is a good partner and a strong advocate.
We work with governments, corporations, local and international organizations, and more to create sustainable change and improve health around the world.
We think health workers count. Do you? Join the conversation. #HealthWorkersCount
We partner with coalitions and initiatives across sectors to effect the greatest change possible. IntraHealth serves as the secretariat for the Frontline Health Workers Coalition, Safeguarding Health in Conflict, and the Health Workforce Advocacy Initiative, and as the host for the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance.

Looking for unusual, cross-sectoral partnerships? So are we.
That’s why we host the SwitchPoint conference every year in Saxapahaw, North Carolina.
Join us and make your partnerships count. Together, our ideas can make a difference.
Register at switchpointideas.com

When you invest in IntraHealth, you invest in long-term solutions. Because we do more than respond to emergencies and diseases: we build capacity within countries, forge lasting partnerships, and connect health sectors to technologies and solutions that will improve health and well-being for the long haul.
And together, we can do even more.
Donate to IntraHealth today and give the gift
of health and prosperity for generations to come.